Thursday, February 11, 2010

Share your success with the world

Yesterday, after I finished a session, my client said, "Do you remember when you did that body chemistry to stimulate my immune system to help me to deal with my sister?"

I nodded and she continued, "Well, that night I got a fever and I knew that my immune system had kicked in to help me to deal with this."

"Wow," I replied, "that is very intersting that your relationship with your sister was physically affecting your health."

"Yeah," she said, "and she hasn't bugged me EVEN ONCE since then."

A. went on to say that her sister, being 9 years older than her, has bossed her around all of her life. She concluded saying, "It's so nice to answer the phone when she calls and not have her stress me out."

That was when I made my decision. You see, I've been pondering for months about setting up this blog. I want a place where my clients (BodyTalk or Reiki)can come and share how their lives have been blessed by my sessions. So this is it. It's my first post on my new blog called LINKS TO HEALING. That's the name of my business so I decided to keep it simple and use the same name for this blog.

If you have anything that you'd like to share with others about how BT, Reiki, or EFT has helped your life, then PLEASE feel free to leave a comment here. My goal in this is to let others see the power that is available, through the energy medicines, to change lives in EVERY facet of life. TO GOD BE THE GLORY AND TO YOUR HEALTH.

This is your blog, then, and I urge you to write and share either how a single session has helped you or how a series of sessions has helped you to recover your health in some "Little" way. I'll try to separate the comments into specific areas so that others can read from issues that are most pertenant to them. Feel free to just use your first initial as that is not the point--what matters is that YOU are helping to get the word out there so that others will open their minds like you have. GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher

Dawn Bornemann

1 comment:

  1. I started seeing Dawn a couple of months ago and have to say BodyTalk has helped me so much that I wanted to share it.
    I have always had very bad periods. The cramps were excruciating that I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. I would start getting cramps 3 to 4 days before my period and would last the whole time. I also have always had lower back pain. now that I have been seeing Dawn I hardly even notice when I get or have my period! Which is amazing! Also the bad pain is almost all gone! I'm a huge believer in BodyTalk. I don't really know how it works all I know that it does work!
