Friday, February 19, 2010

More strength

Here are 2 emails that I received close together from a client who has viewed herself as weak in relation to certain others in her life. In the session, it came up that she was ready to let go of a thought process regarding the word, "Strength." I'm not ever sure what specifics are involved but we're taught to tell the client to look for improvements in this area.

I was delighted to hear that, very quickly after the session, she learned that she had more strength than she thought she had. Did the session give her more strength directly? Perhaps, but my guess is that, by getting rid of the thought that she didn't have enough strength in that area, the strength that she had all along was able to emerge. AWESOME!!

Please note that she commented how tired she was the evening after her session. This is perfectly normal as a BodyTalk session can be very tiring for the brain--it's HARD WORK! However, it's work that needs to be done so that healing can take place, so it's good work! :)

And now, seeing as Sabbath is here, I will rest from my work and wish you all peace.

Dawn, or as Cora calls me, Mother B.

Dear Dawn,

I want to tell you that today I needed "strength." When that came up in Body Talk I knew immediately what that meant as there is one person in my life who has always made me feel weak and helpless.

I am weeping right now but don't want you to feel down about it. Please be encouraged that you did good work the other night as I don't know if I would have had the strength to stand up to this person today if you hadn't given me the session! I kept repeating the verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." And I was able to do what I needed to do. It's funny (not really) how this situation came to a head a couple days after the session, isn't it? This will be a strong point in favor of Body Talk.

Dear Dawn,

After I wrote the previous note to you, the same person called me again! It was even more grueling to sit and listen than the first two times. When I could get a few words in, I did, and I think I made much more sense than he did.

It was funny as he would ask me a question. When I was trying to answer, he would interrupt so I tried interrupting, too. Then he would say, "Don't interrupt me, I'm talking!" I reminded him that he had asked me a question but wouldn't let me answer. Isn't that hilarious?

I don't know if anything I said will make a difference. I tried to be godly and not say anything to intentionally try to hurt this person. But he is so twisted and mixed up in his thinking who knows how it will all turn out. While I was drained and sad I am sure I did the right thing in standing up for myself and my family. So, I really didn't have the energy to do anything but the bare necessities last night.

Again be encouraged in the fact that you are helping people like me. Keep up the good work. And thank you for your prayers. I am so very grateful for the peace of God that passes understanding.


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