Friday, March 8, 2013

More confident

Recently a client came in whom I have known for over 20 years.  It was great seeing her much more confident than she used to be.   I asked J. how she sees feels she has changed in the 3 years since we began working together.  Her list was incredible.

J. started out by saying that she is much more confident than she used to be.  She said, "My coping skills are much greater!"

When I asked her if this means that she deals with less pain on a daily basis, without any hesitation she said, "Absolutely."  I have seen this over and over!  When a client gets rid of limiting beliefs, their confidence grows and their stress levels decrease which translates into less physical pain.

My friend went on and said, "I'm much kinder to myself than before I did BodyTalk."  She was able to give examples from many different parts of her life including that now detailed paperwork is not so threatening to her.  In other words, when J. kept telling herself that she couldn't do detailed work, she made it a reality and this, in turn, made her treat herself poorly.  Now that she has less stress, she can think more clearly so she can do better work and she feels better about herself.  How cool is that?

Putting all of this together, J. finds that she has much less anxiety than before she began working with me.  It makes sense, when a person feels more capable to deal with life, it is less threatening and anxiety diminishes. 

If you would like to have more confidence; less anxiety; and end up being kinder to yourself, drop me a note at:  In the meantime, feel free to read other testimonials posted on this blog to your right!

Keep smiling,


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