Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A year long headache removed

I just received this email today from a dear client whom I have worked with for about 3 years.  I was so happy to read her good report!!!

A matrix is an energy pattern that gets established in the body when someone in authority uses their power over someone to scare them into doing something.  The longer the matrix has been in the body, the more extreme the pain and misery will be. 

In this case the client's first grade teacher was an immensely cruel person which caused fear to begin growing in the skull.  Why that location?  Who can say except that perhaps the client leaned on that part of her head while listening to the teacher as that is a location where I rest my hand on my head when I am listening intently.

In Deb's own words, I share this good report!

I have been treated by Dawn for a chronic condition for about three years.
Within the last year, I noticed a spot on my head that was constantly sore, and it began to weekly (sometimes for days at a time) produce headaches that encompassed the entire right side of my head, neck and face. Aspirin, etc., did not relieve the pain, just dulled it sometimes.
   My husband was encouraging me to get a C-T Scan because he was worried that it could be a tumor. About two weeks ago, the head pain came up during a “distance” session with Dawn.
  She found that it was a matrix that had been there for about 50 years; that at one time, it served a purpose; but it was no longer serving that purpose, whatever it may have been. 
During that session, she “cut” the tentacles of the matrix, and energetically removed the matrix from my head.  When the session was finished, Dawn advised me to place a heating pad over the spot on my head for 10-20 minutes on that day, and to do so several more times during the next month. 
My head did feel better, so as soon as our distance session was over, I placed a heating pad on my head and sat down to relax. Less than ten minutes into my “relaxation”, I started cramping, became sick to my stomach and nauseated; when I stood, I felt as if I might faint and/or vomit. I made it to the bathroom and “expelled” the pain.
The next day, I contacted Dawn and she excitedly told me that what I had described was a “great release”. Since that time, I have anxiously waited to see if the sore spot on my head and the pain would return, but it has not. I am so grateful that this layer has been removed and we can move forward for further, and total healing.
  Thank you Dawn.

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