Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another failure

Today I received an email from a client saying that he is putting his BodyTalk sessions on hold because he is so busy right now. After 2 sessions, the heart pain that he "Always" had, went away. I guess I'd call that a success, especially since it didn't come back at all after the third session.

So, why is he putting his healing and growth on hold? Why did a relative of mine decide to live with her diabetes rather than see if BT would help her? Why did the lady from my home town drop out after she was getting such fantastic results? Why does one family member come to me, but take another family member to the system? Why did a friend bury his wife instead of checking out BodyTalk--especially since I offered it to them for free in return for a favor? Why would a church friend start sessions; feel much better; and then quit?

In essence, I have come to the point where I have to ask myself, "Dawn, what are you doing wrong?" As always, when I am in desperation, I go to the Lord and ask Him to show me the answers. This is where He took me today. This is another quote from the great BT instructor that I quoted from yesterday. Perhaps here is something to help me grasp the answer to my question, "What am I doing wrong?"

For new clients you should really consider booking their first three appointments one week apart. You may find that two weeks apart works well for your style of practice, but longer than two weeks makes it very hard for you to create a rapport with the client.

When somebody has a serious or acute condition, one week sessions are strongly indicated. They need to be monitored and they really need to feel supported.The very nature of BodyTalk, being non-invasive and respectful, by asking what the body wants to address rather than imposing an agenda, is in and of itself an incredibly supportive activity for somebody facing a significant health challenge to go through. Don't deny your clients that support just because of your fears of inadequacy!

Does this mean that He is showing me that I have been TOO lax in encouraging others to book sessions because of my fear that I will seem like I am pushing BT on people? Here is another quote from that post that made me wonder if I NEED to give people a little bit of a nudge at times.

The answer to the question is confidence and enthusiasm. It is not really what you say - and people don't need a long explanation of the theory. They are sold by your sincerely expressed statement that this therapy works.

The most important thing is to make sure that you take measurements that they can see before all of their sessions. This could be osteopathic evaluation or them rating their symptoms on an intake form. Make a list of important symptoms that they rated on their first intake form and ask them at the beginning of each session "How are your headaches, can you rate them from one to ten".

If people still have pain, they still have pain. For them to think about how bad it used to be is actually unhealthy - it is your job as the practitioner to help your clients to see incremental changes and progress. Make sure you review their progress against their previous ratings, and show them that they are getting better. The most successful practitioners know how important this part of practice is and have some way of evaluating and communicating results to their clients. You can be the best healer in the world but you will not have a busy practice if you don't track your client's progress and share it with them.

When you track your client's progress and help them see it, you can see how effective your sessions are. When you know that your sessions work, you can be confident. You know it works, and your knowing is more important than your words when it comes to booking that first session.

I KNOW my sessions work. My clients know my sessions work. Still they cancel out. I have to wonder if it has to do with the tough GERMAN people around here. Sometimes I honestly think that they are PROUD when they can tell how much they have endured. I know that that is how I used to think.

All of this makes me wonder what makes one person want to get well while the other one WANTS TO STAY SICK!!! How can I tell them apart so that I can spare myself lots of agony? How can I make myself NOT care when people choose to suffer or to die? I simply cannot come up with an answer to that problem.

To be honest, this is one of the days when I seriously ponder quitting offering my services to the world. Maybe it would be best for me to just go back to being a home school mom and forget about the sick--go back to thinking that organic food and herbs can heal anyone of anything!!!!!

I know that nobody will most likely ever read this anyway, so it's especially helpful to spill my guts tonight. IF someone does read this and IF you have any words of advice for me, could you PLEASE use plain English? My brain is whacked out by all of these super spiritual people today who think that if they use enough fancy phrases, they'll seem REALLY SMART!!! OH BOTHER!



1 comment:

  1. Dawn, Please do not be discouraged. You may not want to hear this, but perhaps this is a test to see how strong you really are and how much you really want to do BT.
    I was faced with many similar situations and put BT and energy healing on hold. I now am starting up again and take anyone who will come and am happy for those who don't.
    Trust that you were able to offer what your clients needed at that point in time and let it go. Bless them and thank God for the ability to help in any way possible.
    I now draw to me people that are looking for help and put no expectation that they come for more than one session. If they do, great, if not then I did what I could and I am happy for that.
    You can't force anyone to do what they cannot see as necessary from their perspective. All you can do is offer and be available.
    Also, on a personal note, do not ever underestimate the true value of what you offer through your blog. I have read several over the course of time and have always taken away exactly what I have needed at that time.
    Good Luck and remain energized in your life.
